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pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth
虎口拔牙  detail>>
pull a tooth
拔牙  detail>>
three passes at the tiger-mouth
虎口三关  detail>>
from mouth to mouth
广泛流传 口口相传  detail>>
pass from mouth to mouth
辗转相告  detail>>
spread from mouth to mouth
一传十十传百 众口流传 众口相传  detail>>
把……吸引过来  detail>>
specialty of mouth-tooth-throat
口齿咽喉科  detail>>
pull out the tooth
拔牙  detail>>
borrowing the skin from a tiger
与虎谋皮  detail>>
last tiger from canton
香港过客  detail>>
tiger from fengyang
凤阳老虎  detail>>
bleeding from mouth
口腔出血  detail>>
from hand to mouth
仅能糊口地 勉强糊口 现挣现吃,仅够糊口  detail>>
from the horse mouth
(指劝告,情报等)来自直接参与者的,从可靠的人那里获得  detail>>
from the horses mouth
消息直接得来的  detail>>
live from hand to mouth
糊口度日 紧能满足眼前的需要(尤指食物方面) 勉强度日,现挣现吃 勉强糊口  detail>>
lives from hand to mouth
仅能糊口  detail>>